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For Honor

For Honor is a Medieval combat multiplayer fighting-style skill game. The game received praise on it's release because it was a spectacle of originality and beauty. The game features an ingenious combat system and breath taking graphics but on closer inspection it is known as a half assed broken joke of failed potential. While the fighting system is clever and original the game loses it's shine when you realize how unbalanced it is. many characters are over powered and have extremely limited move-sets. This encourages a very spammy play style where a N00B that constantly spams, dodges, and guard-breaks will always easily overtake a truly skilled player that fights fairly. there are also several stupid game mechanics such as throwing people off cliffs & dodging which is consequence less.

Thus, the game has reached an almost memetic status due to the title being "For Honor" but the game and player-base being ironically, honor-less.
The developers, Ubi-Soft, refuse to listen to the fan base and instead of adding a better variety of moves, and properly reworking the game they instead, add extra paid for content and over nerf characters health, damage, etc without actually fixing them. To make this worse even though the concept and design of the game has wonderfully infinite potential the developers hound anybody that tries to make a game with any remotely similar concept.
And so, we're stuck with a half assed combat game and broken dreams...

Person 1: Hey do you want to play For Honor?
Person 2: Hell no. i deleted that trash. Mortal Kombat is way better!

by Oreo-Belt25 May 13, 2019

32👍 26👎

The Great Library of Alexandria

The greatest library of ancient culture built in Alexandria, Egypt some time around 145 B.C. It was burned down when the city was sieged and it is believed to have held near endless ancient knowledge. It has a sort of memetic reputation as many believe the "Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria" Set humanities technology and knowledge back several thousand years.

"Stupid people like you wouldn't exist if the library of Alexandria never burned down." -As an insult to intelligence
"You're the kind of person that would burn down the Great Library of Alexandria aren't you?"-As an insult to say someone is mean/selfish

by Oreo-Belt25 May 3, 2019