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Bella is a sweetie. She can be shy out in public but she can also be super strong when it comes to getting things done. She is very lowkey funny and loves to roast her friends. She gets nervous in some social situations but any time her friends are nervous she will give them the courage to be brave. Bella is also BEAutiful and very photogenic. She is athletic and does really well in her sports, even if she doesn’t like to admit it. Bella will always be there for you when you need her, and will find you in a crowd to come and talk to you. Sometimes she zones out and gives sassy looks to randos, but she’s sweet as an angel and is always nice to people even if she doesn’t know them. If you have a Bella, stay with her.

"Why do the lunch ladies hate Bella so much?"
"She ate their mashed potatoes like a roll again."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023


Savannah is the friend who is always chilling. Although she has crippling anxiety, she is always the grounded one of the friend group. She will always chill with you. She’s super smart and works really hard. She’s disciplined enough to excel in school/work but also not cocky about her accomplishments. Savannah is also super competitive. Whether you’re playing a silly little game or competing for a prize, with Savannah on your team, you’ve got a good shot. Savannah is very outgoing and great at joking around with everybody. She’s so pretty and exudes confidence even if she doesn't always feel it. She’s great with kids and definitely has the mom energy in any group. If you’re friends with a Savannah, don’t let her get away.

"Why is Savannah yelling at her computer?"
"She's playing that dang unit circle game again."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023


Jadyn is that friend who is always up to party or chill. She thinks she’s so funny and definitely lights up any room she walks into. Her laugh is infectious and you always know when she’s in a good mood. On the flipside, you can also tell when she’s in a bad mood and she loves to make fun of her friends. You’d be lucky to get roasted by Jadyn though, because that means she really likes you. Jadyn could make friends with anyone but she’s not afraid to call someone out on their bs. She LOVES to work; sometimes too much and she’ll always be the one working the hardest. She has a habit of being late to things but she’ll be there for you if you need her. Jadyn may get down on herself sometimes but she’s beautiful even when she’s not trying. If you have a Jadyn in your life you better keep her.

"Did Jadyn fall up the stairs again?"
"Of course she did."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023


Maggie is that go-getter friend. Maggie’s the friend who will talk for the group, making the reservations or asking for more silverware. She can talk to and connect with anyone. She will always joke around with you and is the perfect person to complain with. If you’re scared to do something she’ll be there by your side. She loves to cook and bake. Maggie is also so pretty and her bubbly personality only multiplies those looks. Her house is always the hangout spot (when it’s clean) even with her huge family. If you plan something with Maggie, she’ll wait ‘till last minute to ask but she’ll always clean her room (shove everything in the closet) if she needs to. She’s athletic and always up to play a sporty game. She’s very sarcastic but loving. Maggie is the friend every group needs. Follow her.

"Maggie, are we going to your house tomorrow?"
"Oh.. I haven't asked yet."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023


Izzy is the friend you go to if you need advice. Fashion emergency? Relationship troubles? Questions about life in general? Izzy’s your gal. Izzy may look intimidating on the outside because of how beautiful she is, but she is so sweet and friendly. She doesn’t give herself credit for how smart she is either. She has a huge open heart that welcomes all kinds of people, but she usually sticks to those she’s closest to. Izzy can dance really well and she’s really creative too. She likes to write and make stylish outfits and when it comes to making overnight crafts, she always comes through. If you’re lucky enough to be friends with an Izzy, keep her close.

"Where's Izzy today?"
"Oh yeah, she has mono again."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023


Elle is everybody’s best friend. Elle is so nice to everyone she encounters, but she’s strong enough to let go of relationships that don’t work. If you need her she’ll take your punches, share her food, or give you a ride whenever. She is the perfect mix of selfless and strong independent woman. Elle is outdoorsy and loves to bake. She wouldn’t hurt a fly (literally) and has the best cookies. She’s athletic in a multitude of ways. Elle may change over time but her core values are always strong. Elle is beautiful inside and out. She has the cutest looks and knows how to dress up. She doesn’t hesitate to point out other people’s beauty as well. Elle is the best friend of a lifetime. Don’t lose her.

"Hey Elle! What did you do last night?"
"..... Ur mom."

by OreoMcfurry May 31, 2023

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