To bang on endlessly about stuff only you know (but want to share) skipping madly from topic to topic like a full on flighty Flibbertigibbet - and to do so with complete disregard for the space-time continuum - or indeed any physical, spiritual of temporal reality - and to do so in a manner so bizarrely appealing and addictive to listeners, that it just has to be given a name. (see also verb: "to kaliramble")
Bro1: Oh man I was stuck on Whatsapp for like an freaking eternity last night bro?
Bro2 : Serious??
Bro1: Yeah man I had this girl on full Kaliramble, and I lost sense of time and space innit?
Bro4: Seen.
The tedious, tiresome process of organisations (often charities) paid and set up to help those in need - to instead send those same people on elsewhere - so they can tick their tickboxs - meet their "service targets" and feel generally good about not actually helping the individual but moving them onto someone else - only for that person to signpost them on to someone else (usually in the form of a bunch of weblinks that any fool with google can find but doesnt need)
See also SEP - "Somebody else's Problem" and NIMBY "not in my back yard"
Im sorry to hear you've lost your mother, and uncle due to COVID and that you are now homeless, jobless and without any form of support. Let me try "signposting" you to a bunch of weblinks of organisations that have already sent you to me, so I can go home thinking my job actually has any purpose.