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original homie

like an OG but a crazy loyal friend. an OH

See that guy? He's a straight up original homie

What like a true friend?

Yeah, he's fire. An O.H.

by OriginalHomie May 20, 2019

5👍 1👎

morning rump

a rare moment when upon awakening, you witness one of your pets using another pet's rear-end as their pillow. a sure cure to get anyone thru their morning slump

My cat avoids my dog like the plague, but today she decided to cozy on in to produce a well-executed morning rump. I sent my fam and homies the best pics they'll see all week.

by OriginalHomie May 4, 2023


kids use this to keep away nightmares. this variant of the word shows how even in the roughest times, the light outshines the darkest night

i still use a nightLight when i sleep.

same. i can't sleep without one

by OriginalHomie May 20, 2019