Source Code

pink taco


Nothing satisfies like a pink taco.

by Orius September 4, 2002

949πŸ‘ 300πŸ‘Ž

spanish fly

Aphrodesiacal elixr made from the crushed body parts of the blister beetles Cantharis vesicatoria or Lytta vesicatoria. Purported to arouse those that ingest it. Toxic in large quantities.

Any arousal stemming from Spanish Fly is mild and not at all like the Beastie Boys would have you believe.

Put some Spanish fly in her drink and she'll be crawling all over you (you wish).

by Orius September 4, 2002

799πŸ‘ 296πŸ‘Ž



That fucker owes me some green.

by Orius September 4, 2002

23πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

donor machine


We've got a victim coming in to Ambulance bay 2 that was riding a donor machine.

by Orius September 5, 2002

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Vomit; generally chunky in nature.

He hurled in my car and now there's a lake of chunder in the back seat.

by Orius September 5, 2002

1165πŸ‘ 1624πŸ‘Ž


1. Possessing a deviant mind.
2. Reads fark.

That farker is gonna get us all killed.

by Orius September 4, 2002

87πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


1. Cyber-plaza where stories, comments, individuality and creativity are promoted.
2. Hang out for sociophobes, psychopaths, perverts, losers, 4ax0rs, l33ts, kittys and Admiral Ackbar.
3. A good waste of bandwidth.

Drew spilled beer on the fark server again.

by Orius September 4, 2002

992πŸ‘ 400πŸ‘Ž