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1 A group of obsessive and hysterical animal rights
loonies and selfish image-conscious celebs who want to
unrealistically make all animals free and wild again, but
know NOTHING about animals, or the fact that for the sake
of animals and humans, the relationship between the two
must continue, and that some things they stupidly
criticize (zoos and safari parks for example) are
important in reintroducing animals into the wild, and
teaching people about wildlife.

2 Psycho vegans who dare to condemn meat eaters and
manipulate them with their lies and false "facts" (when
if they tried it on in the wasteland of Alaska or the
Steppes of Mongolia, they wouldn't last five minutes)
while simultaneously (and needlessly) killing most of the
animals in their care, and earning an enormous amount of
hatred from embarrassed normal vegans and vegetarians.

3 Ironic hippies who criticize humanity's violence on
one another but would readily (and hypocratically)
contribute to it by "slicing a dude's throat in a second"
(thanks for proving my point JayR - I owe you a pint for
that) because they hate people and think humans are evil,
when some animals DO kill for fun (dolphins on porpoises)
and most carnivores are far more violent when they kill
their prey (and eat it alive - which we rarely do in most
of the world and all of the civilised one).

4 Psycho vegans who equate meat eaters to Nazis (who
ironically had the same contempt for human rights while
upholding animal rights), and target children with their
lying propaganda.

5 Porn stars who think it's "brave" or "daring"
or "shocking" to strip naked to promote animal rights
when nobody actually cares or is impressed.

6 Spineless cowards who condemn people ONLY after they die
(Steve Irwin for example) for not fitting into their
crazy ideals, while said stiff did more in their life to
care for and inspire people about animals than PETA ever

PETA SUPPORTER: Eating meat is bad for you, and cruel to animals, and I'm going to be laughing at your children when you're dead from a stroke AND heart attack AND obesity, and I'm 100 years old!

ME: Don't worry, that's absolutely fine! It'd be better to die of "meat poisoning" than eat veggies to live to become a 100 year old vegetable with no teeth, live in a nursing home for the final years of your miserable life, and having to be cleaned naked by some poor underpaid lowlife while you cut loose and brick all over them because you can't control your bladder.

by Osamasbitch May 20, 2008

101👍 210👎


1. A bunch of spineless cowards who are admired by overweight Americans who want to be Irish.

2. Terrorists who bomb Irish and English civilians (so much for being freedom fighters) - and think that English oppression justifies it when they are likely to be no better - worse when they force civilians to be SUICIDE BOMBERS.

3. The ones who are terrified of the SAS, and have been splattered by them many times.

The IRA attacked a coalman in Drumnakilly - the coalman was fine.

by Osamasbitch May 31, 2007

136👍 189👎


1. A practice used by some miserable idiot with no friends who hates mankind because s/he needs to get out more, get laid, etc.

2. An attitude taken by your typical animal-rights activist who has crossed the line beyond all hope of redemption, even reduced to violence against humanity for the unrealistic and brainless obsession with animals who they know nothing about, and who couldn't give a sh*t about them.

3. The reason why some warped people are turned on by animals.

4. A mindset which tricks the user into thinking that they're superior/cleverer/more thoughtful than most of their fellow man, when they're simply taking the easy route.

5. The attitude of a hypocrite who clearly has no decent understanding of the world, and is probably just as bad/sadistic/unpleasant as their fellow man whom they moan and whine about.

6. A sign that you've been hanging around/watching animals for too long, and not understanding them long enough.

7. An obvious signal that someone is an alien in a very poor disguise (probably).


Me: Erm, if you hate us so much, why don't you contribute to our demise and hang yourself?

Misanthrope: Ermmm.....

Me: Yeah. Didn't think so

Misanthropy is the easy way to pretend you're wise and worldly.

by Osamasbitch July 16, 2008

191👍 960👎

nice guy

Some poor bastard who gets close to the beautiful girl of his dreams and endures a painfully platonic relationship with her, always there to help her like a demented puppy-dog, in the delusional hope that they may progress to something more. Of course, sometimes he loses his control and blurts out to his ladyfriend that he loves her, only to be told that she wants to be just friends and not ruin the relationship. Sometimes he loses his virginity, sometimes not (though if he does it's with an equally insecure and rejected girl).

Unfortunately, thanks to society's useless teachings, most men fit into this category.

I used to be a nice guy. It sucked.

The nice guy saga concludes to me that women are incredibly stupid. And men are unbelievably pathetic.

Tony Blair is a nice guy. His relationship with Bush is totally platonic, though he wishes it was something more.

by Osamasbitch January 26, 2008

252👍 217👎


A woman/girl you date and have a romantic relationship with. When you're young, it's all for the sex. We men like companionship, but that can come from our pals, the romance bollocks has to wait until we're old and dying.

Example 1
Greg: Better watch it tonight. My girlfriend doesn't like seeing me out late with the lads.

Example 2
Scott: Have you ever had a girlfriend, Joe?

Joe: Nah, I've never had a girlfriend, just fuck buddies.

Scott: Lucky bastard!

Example 3
I wanted a girlfriend for six years, thinking I was a sad loser for every year I hadn't had one, and thinking it was the only way to get laid, but when I heard people complaining about their relationships time and time again, I remembered I lost my virginity with a fuck buddy when still in school and (realising how blessed I am) got another (really gorgeous) fuck buddy.

by Osamasbitch January 5, 2009

11👍 43👎


A man once of integrity who did well in Kosovo and Sierra Leone, but blew it all on Bush. A man who transformed one of the world's most significant countries into a shadow of its former self. A man who betrayed the citizens of Iraq, the British army, the British people. A man who tried to be world policeman and failed miserably. A man who has made the British public subject to humiliation and hatred from overseas for his appalling and dismal actions. A man who ruined the lives of the people above by introducing political correctness, poor NHS, poor schools, more asylum seekers, practically goaded the underground bombers into their actions. A man who nearly lost all his hair over Iraq.

Tony Blair tried to play the saint in politics. He failed.

by Osamasbitch January 21, 2008

256👍 41👎

fuck buddy

The excellent arrangement of a good friend of the opposite sex (or same sex if you so want) who you can fuck hard and long as long as you both shall want, but without the strings attached so you can go and happily hang out together as friends and have a laugh together (or not see one another for another 4 weeks) rather than go through all the pointless crap of forking out your hard-earned cash for valentine's day or bitching about each other's annoying habits in public or being dragged away from your friends to spend quality time with one another (or do the washing up) or the "I wuv you - I wuv you too!" bullshit.

CHARLIE: Who's the fine piece of ass you had around last night?
JOHNNY: That's Sylvia. We're just good friends.
CHARLIE: But your banging away woke me up last night!
JOHNNY: Yeah, sorry about that bro, she's my fuck buddy.

by Osamasbitch January 4, 2009

324👍 201👎