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An asshole with the same amount of brain cells as a potato and thinks that he's a 10 even though he's a 4 at best. He is also a HUGE fuckboy. Beware of the Payton.

Girl 1: Who's that guy over there dancing like a drunk orangatang?
Girl 2: That's Payton, please don't date him he has about 9 more STDs than he does friends.

by OurLordAndSaviorPaneraChrist January 17, 2018

10👍 6👎


A lovably clumsy wierdo and an amazing friend. Mollis are gorgeous and insanely loyal. They will also try to fight anyone who hurts their friends.

Fuckboy: Who's that hottie over there?
Ashley: That's Molli don't even try she's way out of your league.

by OurLordAndSaviorPaneraChrist January 17, 2018

49👍 4👎