A state where a Human catches a virus know as the boos flu (originating from animals). This virus cause one to laugh at any joke whether it's funny or not. Over time the laughter gets so out of hand that one's system can no longer take it and shuts down, therefore leading to death
Sophie got the boos flu last night, sadly her brain found humor at random times therefore leading to her passing
Boos flow (bõõös flôw): The state in which an (animal) consumes too much of an unknown (unsafe) substance to their digestive system that leads to boos immunity, a stage that causes a dog to be so cute and humble that they no longer seem to be moving. One might say they died from their own overwhelming cuteness
My dog recently got the boos flow, unfortunately he didn't last through it. Thankfully he died looking very cute and healthy
Biidaaban is an excellent and very caring woman. She often values her friendship and would do anything to spend as much time as possible with them. Biidaaban is also very caring, she is always ready to help you with any situation and she's not afraid of giving her opinion. Her childish humor might bring a smile to your face
Hey Biidaaban can we talk
Ya sure what's up