Source Code


Any fan of zombie films, shows, books, games, etc. Usually in association with the post-Night of the Living Dead era, aka George Romero zombies, aka RomZoms; and not classic voodoo zombies.

Danny is a true zombite. He has every issue of the Walking Dead. He has every Romero film on vhs, laser disc, bluray and dvd.

But his Uncle Harold was the biggest zombite he ever met. Uncle Harold invented a sexual position called "zombie-style". He's divorced now.
Every Thanksgiving he would stuff the turkey with pig guts and fake blood and he and the children would tear the turkey apart with their barehands. He has lost custody of the children.
He used to fake-bite coworkers on the neck in bathrooms or elevators. He's now unemployed.
For two years straight he was first place in the state Zombie Run. Now he's banned because of doping.

by PDXJohnny99 April 18, 2013

462πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

Spunk Junkie

A person that digs sperm.

She's a Spunk Junkie.

She's got the need for seed.

She loves the Jerk Juice. The Cock Cream. The Tang. The Meat Mix. The Man Milk. The Boy Batter. The Load Launch. The Nut Butter. The Jizz Juice. The Salt Shake. The White Wash.

by PDXJohnny99 August 26, 2013

124πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Board Walker

Nickname for fans of the incredible HBO series Boardwalk Empire

Johnny: Boardwalk Empire is the most unpredicatable and most boldly written drama of the century! I am a Board WALKER!!
Dee: Well... our century is rather new...
Johnny: ....and the realism and the truth and the era and the acting... and the CHARACTERS! OMG!
Dee: uh...
Johnny: ...and the authenticity, the unflinching violence....
Dee: zzzzzzzzzzz

by PDXJohnny99 April 14, 2013

392πŸ‘ 357πŸ‘Ž

Tube Snoozer

Someone who needs or tends to leave the television on to help them sleep. Usually rerunning a movie or tv show they've seen so many times to comfort (or bore) them to sleep.

Dave: Your wife Rhonda watches the same freakin' movie every night. Why?
Brent: It makes her fall asleep...and now it makes me fall asleep cuz its freakin' mind-numbing.
Dave: Dear God... I'm surrounded by tube snoozers.

by PDXJohnny99 April 11, 2013

509πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž

Redlight Elephant

When people don't want to address, debate or offer solutions about the growing issue of the homeless in America.

Wordplay derived from "The elephant in the room" phrase: important issues or subject matter that people tend not to want to discuss, thus overlooking the isuue.

Redlight is a reference to a traffic light; homeless often stand at traffic lights to aquire money from passing drivers.

Michelle was driving home from work and saw a man with a cardboard sign at the taffic light on the corner of Cornell. The Redlight Elephant struck, she wanted to help but drove right by the man.

Jen and Mike were approached by three homeless coming out of the bookstore. They didn't hesitate to walk past without making eye contact. Neither addressed the Redlight Elephant on their walk to the car.

by PDXJohnny99 May 11, 2013

335πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž

Indie Day

Short for Indepedence Day, the Fourth of July.

"Happy Indie Day! Don't blow any fingers off with those firecrackers!"

"Happy Indie Day! Is there any beer left?"

"Happy Indie Day! Look, I'm wearing red white and... shit these pants are brown!"

"Happy Indie day. No, not indie rock. No, not Indiana Jones either. No, not indie films... fuck it... Happy 4th of July!"

by PDXJohnny99 July 10, 2013

32πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Shit a Brain

A phrase used to express how excited or mind-blown or confused you are feeling.

Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That Inception movie was sooooo good.
Smitty: OMG, I had to watch it three times... I shit a brain the first time.

Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That movie Memento was sooooo crazy.
Smitty: OMG, I had to watch it six times... I shit a brain the first five times.

Snooter: Oh my GAWD!! That movie Requiem for a Dream was sooooo intense.
Smitty: Uh... I actually had a seizure during that one. I shit my pants.
Snooter: For reals? Oh... my... gawd.
Smitty: yeah... flopped around for... well... through the rest of the movie, actually. My cat just watched me... he didn't call 911 or help out... so... I missed most of that movie. Not a big fan...

by PDXJohnny99 April 29, 2013

499πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž