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Prof is a nasty little lying hoe and should actually go. She complains about having to grade homework when SHES THE FUCKING ONE WHO ASSIGNED IT and we're the ones have to actually do it. Like what is wrong with your fucking brain you literal retard. Also wtf is up with your hair. Have you never used conditioner in your life. And why do you have to walk up behind us while we're working like wtf please stop that thank you bye. Also she always wants to know what your doing every fucking moment she also has this stupid retarded little speaker that she walks around with and it always glitches the she likes to make us do like 5 different tests each week and if we don't get over 60% she will yell at us and say it's our fault we don't listen then she always moves us around the room sometimes changes the the seating arrangements then she also loves to move us to the fucking front so we can hear her pitchy and winey voice yelling at us!!!!!!

wow what a Prof move

by PHSC September 11, 2019

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