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Satanism is a religon that involves spritual practices. Not animal sacrifices or maniacs bent on killing people for "Satan" no it is a... hmmm Spritual and all-loving religion. That is abused and misused in everyday life. It is a Pagan religion meaning noramlly polytheistic and to be created and founded first for people. Yes Satanism is polytheistic it believes in all the Demons and Demonesses there is, but they are good and angels are evil and there is no such thing as god Just Satan and his brother's and sister's and his Wife and all the other Demon's there are. They believe hell is a place you can visit if you find a gate to hell. And they see auras by opening their third-eyes. And they believe in reincarnation-die then born again- They believe in the winter solstice as a religion and many other holidays are placed alot of their artifacts were covered up by Christians trying to hide them and use them such as the Ankh-found in egypt- And some others I don't know the names to. And they also believe in meditation as a way to open your mind and stregthen your body and soul. Beleives in chakras also. And many more things, but those things would take forever to name.

I am a Satanist I go to the website. joyofsatan.com And in there it explains the religous aspects of Satanism Probally better than I do.

by PK-USA November 3, 2011

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