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hannah montana

An obnoxious 15-year-old girl who claims that she's a rock star when really all she is is a bubblegum pop star that will eventually be burned down just like the rest of the Disney Channel stars.

Can you name one Disney Channel girl star that has been mega famous and HASN'T ended up like a total trainwreck? (some that have are: Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Jamie-Lynn Spears, etc.)

Can't act, sing or make jokes for her life.
The laughter tape stays on for WAYYY too long on that show.

Also known as the idiotic Miley Cyrus.
Because her parents are so witty and smart as to name her after a smile. Now we must all bow down to them. *rolls eyes*
Disney wants to milk her for what she's worth, this includes selling Hannah Montana wigs so every little girl can feel 'special', Hannah Montana karaoke machines so that every little girl can be trained to produce the shitty tunes the stupid singer carries out, etc.

Nickames: Hannah Montanal, Miley Walrus, Miley Virus

Hannah Montana: Hey y'all. I done and got mahself a reeaall career as an amazingg actress und singaar. o doiii. I'm so sneakeh, nobodiee knows that I am Miley Cyrus. Heheeehe. Oh Em Gee, I have the best liifeh. Let's sing and brag to the world :D hyuk hyuk!


by POLINA-RAWR April 14, 2008

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