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Worse than micropenisism, your PP shrinks to the size of an atom. It's as very rare disease, not many people have it.

Aiden: Broski, I heard that Alex went from Micropenisism to Atomicpenisism!

Everyone else: H O W

Aiden: Don't ask me, I'm not a moron

by PP Forest God November 9, 2020


A very bad disease, where the man's penis is so small it can only be seen in the quantum realm. only .0001% of the population in the world has it.

Aiden: Broski! I heard that Alex went from Atomicpenisism to Quantumpenisism!

Everyone else: W H A T E V E N I S T H A T

Aiden: his penis can basically only be seen in the quantum realm now, may his dick rest in peace.

Everyone else: F

by PP Forest God November 10, 2020

PP Forest God

1: The man that is writing this
2: The God that Gave you several penis diseases, and maybe a few other things
3: Someone that will not answer your prayers for a bigger dick
4: The God who gave you the PP forest

Alex: Please O' PP Forest God, I beg to you! Give me a bigger dick!
Aiden: Broski. Do you even know who he is or what he does? He's not gonna give you a bigger dick.
Alex: Fuck.

by PP Forest God November 12, 2020

PP Forest

A magical forest of PP's that grow in the women's body

The PP Forest was growing so much in Sofia's body, that there wasn't anymore room for food.

by PP Forest God October 28, 2020


A very sad disease that morons get, their PP shrinks to the point where their already 1-inch PP is microscopic

Aiden: Bro, I heard that Alex has Micropenisism!

Everyone else: F

by PP Forest God November 9, 2020


A very sad disease that morons get, their PP shrinks to the point where their already 1-inch PP is microscopic

Aiden: Bro, I heard that Alex has Micropenisism!

Everyone else: F

by PP Forest God November 9, 2020