Dagnab it means...wasn't expecting that
Dagnab it means...well that's a let down
Dagnab it..thought I was definitely getting to retire at a young age
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Old try...when an adult or Old timer aka grandma or grandpa....say to u
"old try"..they r telling u..."go read a king James version bible"
Young adult.."granny I hate life I'm not good enough no one likes me"
Granny.."my child what about just loving urself the old fashioned way..just give an old try...and read that kings version bible like it's ur history book...find GODS doctrine....the old try is What it is since the dawn of time
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An invisible jacket worn by a person that can preach God's commandments but behind Closed doors commit the 7 most deadly sins
Don't hide behind God's cloak with me, I know you
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A hair accessory u pin into ur hair that consists of feathers
I like that featherpin the wild feather colors match ur outfit and it's cool how it is pinned into ur ponytail
Holler....any bible verse from the king James version bible
Give me a holler..
Revelation 22:19 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book
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Exd is defined as followed....
A individual has lost their job.....
An individual has been fired from their job.....
An individual does not have a job anymore...
An individual that has been Exd has lost their job...
My friend got Exd today.....they got fired from thwir job... they were always late to work cause of that stupid game....
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Stoners dictionary..2 words stoners use alot when sitting around saying things like "let's get that word in the stoners dictionary" or saying "I know that word is in the stoners dictionary" but for those of u who don't know what the stoners dictionary is...it's just slang for the urban dictionary
Hey girl knowledge is power just so you know them stoners when they were talking about the stoners dictionary they were referring to the urban dictionary.
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