Semi-retired superhero in animated cartoon series Spongebob Squarepants.Lives in Shady Shoals Retirement Home with his sidekick Barnacle Boy. His first name is Ernie, in tribute of his voice actor Ernest Borgnine. Various episodes in the series show Mermaidman as having extreme short-term memory loss and having a strange obsession with the word âEvilâ ,being some kind of trigger word.
There have been 6 episodes in theâMermaid Man & Barnacle Boyâ arc in the seriesâ first 4 seasons, and have appeared in several other episodes afterwards.Mermaidman was voiced by Ernest Borgnine until his death in 2012.
Honestly one of my favorite characters in the show and âMermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IIIâ being one of my favorite episodes.
Example #1
Mermaid Man: I did it! I feel five years younger. It's good to be back.
Barnacle Boy: We did it, you old coot.
Mermaid Man: Who are you?
Example #2
Mermaid Man(to Barnacle Boy):"If you wanna grow up strong like me... you gotta leave room for seconds."