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Clingy Ex-Girlfriend

An insufferable bitch who won't leave her ex, who lives on the other side of the world, that she broke up with. Alone because she has no friends or family and, maybe, just maybe, the reason she has no friends is because all she ever fucking does is cry, complain about how lonely she is and say she's gonna kill herself is the reason no one wants to fucking talk to her. She takes advantage of her ex's kindness, and won't respect the fact that he's in a new, happier, and healthier relationship. it's like the only thoughts that are ever on her mind are "oh poor me, my life is so hard, wah wah wah". Grow tf up, if you're gonnna kill yourself at least have a good reason for it. Stop your self pity and look in the fucking mirror and then maybe you'll see the problem with your life

"My boyfriend's ex won't leave him alone"
"Sounds like she's a clingy ex-girlfriend"

by Paewj2 November 18, 2022