A religion created by a 14 year old girl who was frustrated because her beleifs didn't comply with any other religion. A Zanist (Currently 16 official Zanists) belives that..
1.There is no God.
2.There are spirits in every living thing.
3.There are ghosts.
4.There are unseen "mythical" creatures.
5.There are (of course) aliens, or life on other planets.
6.Humans and animals are equal beings.
7.Satan only exists in Humanity.
8.Violence toward some people is necessary.
There are also some simple rules to follow...
1.Take what you can get, But take nothing but what you need from the Earth.
2.Show Respect only to those who deserve it.
3.The World belongs to everyone. Do not pay for water, gas, or property.
4.Be Ruled by NO ONE.
5.You may celebrate holidays from other religions only for personal gain. (Christmas, Easter, ect.)
note: Zanists are not peaceful hippies. We sin. We are evil, sadistic, vengeful people. But to the Earth which gives us life, we are not.
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