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Scene is a way of life not just some fad. Its like a cult and there are rules you must follow in order to be truely scene. You must have scene hair!!! You must never leave the house till your amazing scene hair is perfectly styled and covering your eye at a 45 degree angle. It must be two colors at least and it must be choppy. You will usually cut your hair yourself or have a friend do it.FASHION AND MUSIC are your only gods. You go to shows as much as you can to listen to your fav (hxc,indie, metal, grind) band. Hxc dancing is a must learn or the little scene girl dance which conists of little movemement of the feet and hands in hair kinda nodding back and forth. You Love: Dinos, Saying RAWR, robots, old scool anything, hello kitty, x's, bows, clips, cute things, make up, myspace, destruction, and all other scene kids. You take a million and one myspace picture and all have to consist of angles, photoshop, and expression. Non scene kids are to be avoided as much as possible. You can not become scene you either are or your arent.

Scene kids, Scene girls, Scene boys, life, Music, Fashion

by Pamela[[[[{DAMAGE}]]]] October 17, 2007

14👍 6👎