I.e. low inhibition, low social inhibition. Someone is low inhib if he generally doesn't care what other people think about him, is confident and will often say or do inappropriate things (similar do dark triad, but not the same). Often used on looksmaxxing and incel forums.
James: being low inhib is important because one you need it to fucking approach at all and two confidence does boost your smv
Robert: Low inhibition=secret of life
A phrase often used on 4chan and other internet forums, meaning a process that one has to go through or an action one has to take which is forced upon him by some group of people or society at large; the goal of the mandate is to humiliate the person and thus make him conform with some policy or societal norm and self-suppress any opposition in the future.
Anon1: linkedin is the ultimate demonic humiliation ritual
Anon2: stop complaining goy