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The difference between a Garden and a Yarden is that a garden can have just flowers and plants, but a Yarden has food, fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, if it's edible plant, it's Yarden material!

The term also represents the movement away from GMO and pesticides and back to organic non-GMO local food sources. It's a symbol, a statement, and edible action! It's a fun people's movement bringing communities closer together by showing solidarity, celebration, beauty, and the encouragement sharing, reciprocity, and gift circles.

When a community member with a Yarden has more harvest of a particular food than they can eat, they share with others in the neighborhood. In turn, when it's harvest time for another particular food, others in the community share their harvest in return. Yarden Share Circles, if you will.

Such YSC's bring community members out side and face to face in a wonderful way. They can also help to establish or strengthen the use of local online communities, which ironically can help guide people away from overuse of Internet technology and instead outside meeting with neighbors. For example, when a Yardener has a crop harvest coming up and they have more food than they can eat, they can post on their local Yarden FB group

If your town has Yarden signs, you can even create Yarnen tour paths and post the maps online.

Yardens = <3 !

My Yarden has carrots, melons, and hot peppers to share with the community!

by PatManDoRyan June 28, 2014

62👍 19👎


When a mother spoils her child so badly that the child doesn’t like or listen to anyone but Mom.

Fathers, teachers, other family, even grandma can’t reach the child anymore because Mom lets the child get away with anything.

Dad used to be able to spend quality time with his son, but now since the Momopoly has taken over he has become a workaholic in an attempt to feel better & concentrate less on his loss.

by PatManDoRyan May 27, 2021