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Leather Jacket Pat

The one hit-man that u DO NOT wanna mess with, he's hired by whoever pays more to take out his target and he's no hero he's a mercenary in it only for the almighty dollar, always wears a totally bitchin' leather jacket always black leather because tan and red are for pussies, he's the last person u ever wanna see because that means he's here to take you out, cross this man and he will throw you out of a window seriously, he's a very skilled boxer and martial artist, always carries a Bowie knife in one of the many pockets of his amazing leather jacket, and his gun of choice is a glock.

Frank: "dude I've been dodging this loan shark for weeks , I keep seeing a car by my house what am I gonna do"?
Steve:"Holy shit man it's Leather Jacket Pat you're fucked dude "
Frank: "RUN"!

by Patcorbett92 November 22, 2017