Okay, so, apparently, being scene is;
⢠You wear trashy make up (usually female)
⢠You take millions of pictures that you upload onto the coolest new social networking site
⢠You dye your hair crazy colors
⢠You style your hair crazily
⢠You wear uber tight pants
⢠You 'want to be different' even though 'you're exactly the same'.
⢠You wear band tee's for bands you don't even know so you'll look like you like non-mainstream bands
⢠You suddenly become bisexual
⢠You're interesting in dinosaurs and ponies and glitter
⢠You're a slut (male or female)
⢠You're 'straight-edge' or
- You're a hardcore drug addict.
You all are idiots.
Keep believing what the media tells you like the good little sheep you are, but you'll eventually see how most of the crap they call 'stereotypes' about people who aren't complete media-conformists are just that; complete and utter CRAP.
Wow! That guy has tight pants on, and crazy scene hair! He must be homosexual!