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A city who thinks it's self above and beyond the rest of Australia.

A city so in love with its own rank smell that it needs to inform non victorians how great it is at every opportunity.
A city where people are either depressed or just insecure.

A town where aggression is the norm due to the high amount of grey dull days.

A city which is in denial about its jealousy of Sydney - take for example the history of the city. For decades the city was an architectural master piece, with grand victorian buildings and coffee palaces to rival paris. Melbourne people couldnt handle this and wanted to be like Sydney - so they knocked down all the was grand and replaced it with Sydneyesque planning. Dalring Habour>Southgate - King St Wharf and the development of Pyrmont>an empty and embarrassed cold docklands and the list goes on.
Melbourne people ALWAYS claim to not care about Sydney yet as soon as the word is mentioned they go on a 10 minute tirade about all that is wrong with Sydney.

The art is not unique and most of it comes from people who have moved to the city from various interstate cities. Melbourne also has claims to the greatest sport in the world Australian Rules. The odd thing about this claim is that the code is not even watched or cared about anywhere north of the Australia.

Sydney Person: wow Melbourne is great and charming - except for the weather..
Melbourne Person: How typical of you stuck up Sydney people always thinking your city is the best when all it is, is a sewer or a backwater filled with people who's only interest is money and house prices. You don't even follow the best game in the world and that's so typically sydney. So what if the habour bridge and opera house are revered internationally..that's all Sydney has going for it..unlike in Melbourne where we have lanes and coffee.
Sydney person: woah settle down i was praising the city!
Melbourne: heh we dont really care about Sydney its always the sydneysiders who start this silly debate
Sydney: woah amazing..

by Pedro1975 September 2, 2009

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