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Stands for 'Parking like a Prick'; a derogatory term for one who parks like a prick (i.e. complete twonk/utter dickhead). This could include taking up multiple bays, parking unwisely on a narrow lane, parking in a disabled spot while being perfectly able-bodied, or being a driver of a BMW and/or Audi. First used in this context on the Facebook page 'Parking like a Prick in Ramsbottom'.

When used as a verb, it can also refer to taking photographic evidence of of a plap and shaming the plapper publicly on the Internet or another mass media outlet.

'Look at that cockend parking on a bridge. What a plap.'

'I got plapped the other day when I used the disabled spot and the picture was put all over the internet; I was mortified!!!'

by Pelthain March 28, 2016

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