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Adjective to describe something that has an overwhelmingly positive, complete, enthralling, multi-sensory impact on a person.

A combination of cosmic, crazy, magic, orgasmic

First coined in Dietikon, Switzerland, December 2007

"Wow! That was a crazmic show."

"Betty, that was a crazmic meal you made!"

"My new iPhone is just crazmic!"

by Pen-Dragon December 6, 2007

8👍 2👎


Of or related to the qualities of a good "grandfather".
From the Latin "avos"=grandfather, and the suffix "-inum" = "of, like, having the qualities of"

The teacher brought his ripened avosine skills into play by holding and coddling the unwed-mother-student's restive baby while she took her final exam.

by Pen-Dragon March 21, 2024


From the Latin «avos» = grandfather and “-ine” = like, resembling.
1. -ine is a suffix of adjectives of Greek or Latin origin, meaning “of or pertaining to,” “of the nature of,” “made of,” “like”: asinine; crystalline; equine; marine.

While his student went up to collect her technical degree, the venerable, avosine Professor proffered his help, then put all of his skills and years of experience to work, calming and coddling the restive, restless little wee baby that the young woman had just recently born.

by Pen-Dragon April 9, 2024


Someone who is versed in all sorts of different conspiracy theories, from all over the world, even in different languages...and who spews them gladly and constantly.

"His high-school knowledge of French combined with his ravenous appetite for arcane, unprovable, specious knowledge made him a gollyplot par excellence! He spread the 'secret' of Emmanuel Macron's lascivious habit of dressing up as the Empress Joséphine far-and-wide on the social media platforms, under his nom-de-plume: Pendraggin. "

by Pen-Dragon August 20, 2023

Novacula Franqui (aka Novacula Frangiscc' aka Frankie's Razor)

Goes something like this:
-- Don’t people the scientifically as yet unexplained, unexplored areas of our world and reality with wild – or otherwise – conjecture you propose as “TRUTH”.
-- Rigorously relegate said “beliefs” to the realm of wishful-/magical-thinking, fantasy, and fiction or – at the very least – have the courage to …
-- Present “them” as theories open to testing, fact-based repudiation, public scrutiny … and then
ACCEPT THE RESULTS !!! Or – at the very least –
Have the humility and intellectual honesty to call them what they are:
Crazy Ideas
Self-psyche-salving delusions (at worst)/”fables” (at best) that help me get through the night,

help me get through life.

See ALSO: Occam’s Razor, Chatton’s Anti-Razor, Hickam’s Dictum, Leibniz’s and Kant’s anti-razors, Crabtree’s Bludgeon, Pataphysics.

Because he refused to even consider the Novacula Franqui (aka Novacula Frangiscc' aka Frankie's Razor), let alone use it, he peopled his ideas of what was going on around him, and in the world at large, with dark Deep States, Alien Beings, Cabals of Reptile-People, et al. Nothing is simply as it seems!!! It gave him the frisson he needed to keep from self-reflection.

by Pen-Dragon November 7, 2024


Young, cute men, as those found in boy-bands such as BTS, who cause young girls' and (some) boys' hearts to go aflutter...WARNING: Swoon Danger!
N.B. Could, theoretically, also be applied to girl-bands.

You never know where you stand with these crushbait beaus – just like the dating experience in today’s urban jungles, overgrown with the choking, strangling fears of commitment: indeed, this is the common thread, the leitmotif that runs through the song-stories and ballads of all their hit tunes.

by Pen-Dragon June 11, 2022


timmer-temmer (adjective) : A behavior combining timorousness and temerity. (timorous-temerous), courage and desire combined with fear. Often seen in wild park animals used to human contact—approach and retreat. Other examples, monkeys approaching humans, small shy children wanting to take something from an adult or another child, even fish being fed by scuba divers.

The sparrows hopped timmer-temmer around our table, attentive of the stray or intentional crumb.

by Pen-Dragon August 14, 2009