Source Code

Freespace 2

Quite possibly the best space simulation game to have ever been released. It even surpasses the awesomeness of LucasArt's TIE Fighter. If you haven't played this game, then stop reading this definition and go download the game for free, courtesy of the developers and publishers.

Cannot give example because it is not worthy of Freespace 2.

by Penbiks September 30, 2006

80πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


When something is too far for you to see.

"'Ey Jimmy, where'd you say it was again?"
"Ya gotta get closer, it's pasteurize."

by Penbiks October 5, 2006

39πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A huge mistake made by the writers of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. In the movie, Arnold's character refers to the previous Terminator from Terminator 2 as "a different T-101" when in fact the actual designation of it is T-800 Model 101.

Arnold's character in T3 is a T-850 because the 800 series has only one compact nuclear power cell, while the 850 series has two hydrogen fuel cell power sources, among other differences.

T-850: "That was a different T-101."

by Penbiks September 3, 2006

67πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


An idiot's substitution for the words "me" or "I". "Myself" should only be used in reflexive cases or intensive cases.

Commonly used by people who do not know the proper rules of usage for "me" and "I", or by those who were taught at an early age that "me" is a dirty word.

Incorrect usage:
We need more people like myself to do this job correctly.
Feel free to ask any of us, myself included.

Correct usage:
We need more people like I to do this job correctly.
Feel free to ask any of us, me included.
I made this myself. (intensive)
I hurt myself. (reflexive)

by Penbiks August 18, 2006

178πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


UPSB is the initialism for Universal Pen Spinning Board. It is a message board created by Pentrix's webmaster whom to many is known as Kam, and he is also the administrator of the Board. It started out as a small community of proficient pen spinners, and stayed that way until Kam's promotional video for Pentix and Pendolsa's first and most popular collaboration video spread virally around the Internet. After that, the board grew quite rapidly and soon became what it is today.

UPSB could very well be the largest community of pen spinners outside of South Korea, with a total of over 4500 registered members. Being universal, members come from all around the world, are generally very nice, participate in trading of pens with other members, and are willing to help new members learn fundamentals and tricks.

In October 15, 2005, Kam officially closed down UPSB, and will open UPSB again once it has finished upgrading to the new and improved UPSB version 3.

UPSB and Pendolsa are the two largest pen spinning communities in the world.

by Penbiks September 30, 2006

81πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


UPSB is the initialism for Universal Pen Spinning Board. It is a message board created by Pentrix's webmaster whom to many is known as Kam, and he is also the administrator of the board. It started out as a small community of proficient pen spinners, and stayed that way until Kam's promotional video for Pentix and Pendolsa's first and most popular collaboration video spread virally around the Internet. After that, the board grew quite rapidly and soon became what it is today.

UPSB could very well be the largest community of pen spinners outside of South Korea, with a total of over 4500 registered members. Being universal, members come from all around the world, are generally very nice, participate in trading of pens with other members, and are willing to help new members learn fundamentals and tricks.

In October 15, 2005, Kam officially closed down UPSB, and will open UPSB again once it has finished upgrading to the new and improved UPSB version 3.

UPSB and Pendolsa are the two largest pen spinning communities in the world.

by Penbiks September 7, 2006

21πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


What we do to most people when they die.

Not to leave a big mess, he decided to barium.

by Penbiks January 18, 2008

55πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž