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A little short ass who usually has a massive forehead and struggles to do simple mathematics like 1+1 also is definitely a crack head

Kid 1:Ayo you see that kid over there banging his head on the wall
Kid 2:Yeah he is a right Ed

by PenguinRisk June 22, 2020

2👍 1👎


Everyone knows a Charlie. And they are always a smart ass. As it is such a common name they feel the need to express themselves by pissing you off in every way possible. He will normally listen to 50 year old music and then complain about new modern music because he is so "cool" and so "quirky." Despite all this they usually come good when you need them.

Person 1:You see that person kicking paraplegic children
Person 2:Yeah he is a right Charlie

by PenguinRisk June 23, 2020