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An online term used to describe one's appearance in real life.

It should be known that for the sake of simplicity, an 'IRL' MUST be either:
The full body being shown, or the entire face, otherwise the 'IRL' in question is not an IRL at all!

"Donoghue just posted his IRLs!"
"No you dumbass that's just his teeth, it doesn't count."

by PensterEsther May 1, 2023


An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive pointless stupidity (Def:1)

An action of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; an individual who acts with inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; a moment of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence (Def:2)

A person farts in a crowded elevator and screams "It was I" and laughs maniacally. It smells really bad and people start to get sick. The person starts to play a Tiktok compilation on full volume without using headphones. This person is a Youtube. (Def:1)

A person stands back in a crowded elevator to let others in. They ask you which floor you would like, and press the button for you. They invite you to view a genuinely funny meme they found on Tiktok with you using their audio splitter cable, and it makes you laugh and brightens up your day, gosh you really needed that. It can be tough working a 9 to 5 shift, and sometimes you just need the funny meme. Thank you kind stranger. This person is a Youtube.

by PensterEsther January 25, 2023