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incorrect quotes

An internet trend of putting real people or (more often) fictional characters into dialogue, often from other sources such as shows, films, or Tumblr text posts. These quotes are almost always comedic.

Person A: Is there a word thatҀ™s a mix between angry and sad?
Person B: Malcontent, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.
Person C: Smad.

Person A: I lost Person B, have you seen them?
Person C: What do they look like?

Person A: I need you to be totally straight with me.
Person B, an LGBT person/character: *nervous laughter*

incorrect quotes <-- there, the word being defined :)

by Perov November 5, 2017

77πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The word comes from 'relationship', and means supporting an existing romantic relationship between two characters, or the idea of two characters who are not currently together being a couple. The couple are called a 'ship', and the person doing the shipping is a 'shipper'. The term can also be used in reference to real-life people. A person's favourite 'ship' is their 'OTP' - One True Pairing.

e.g. "I ship Hiccstrid SO HARD! They're my OTP!"
e.g. "Oh my god, the ship has sailed!"
e.g. "I'm gonna start shipping them, they're so adorable together!"

by Perov March 6, 2017

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž