Sweetheart. Giver. Progressive mother. Cool big sister. Perpetual Phoenix Rising. Wants everyone happy. Will give you the shirt off her back and she's so kind you'd wear it even if it wasn't your size to make her happy. Genius in an abstract and round the bend way. Colorful. Boisterous and a complete extrovert. A community creator since childhood. Smells like flowers and wine. Loves animals and treats them as important family members. Jack of all trades. Knows everyone and remembers everyone's birthday and star sign. Loves to see people having the time of their lives, especially if she planned the fun. Empowers others. Wants the best for everyone. Loves the universe. Loves Earth. Loves music and the people who make it as much as she loves her the world. Loves most people unconditionally. Calls people she doesn't know "Sweetheart and darling". Loves to uplift younger women. Loves to uplift young men. Never, ever hesitates to tell you how much you mean to the world, even if you are the bum on the street. Will stand up and even physically fight a 300 pound monster for you if she feels you are to be protected. She is a poet and an amazing soul filled singer and musician. Seems to just pluck information and education right out of thin air.
"This is how you do a Cat Snapp"
"Cat Snapp is awesome"
"Cat Snapp rocks"
"Cat Snapp is a true rock n roll name"