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Refers to him self as "gangster" or "hk". Usually has a rocking bod' and good looks (but don't be fooled) , although looks aren't everything he can be a dickhead sometimes. Can be a great friend. If you mean alot to a Liam you can be sure he'll protect you from whatever and who ever. Can sometimes be not very trustworthy and it's difficult to tell wether he's lying or not. Although most Liams are straight they will usually hide there orientation so don't be fooled because he can be as straight as a round about. And in a way of hiding his orientation he can use alot of girls in a short time .

example 1:

person 1 ; that guys hard
person two ; might be a Liam
Example 2 :
Person 1 ; is he gay?
Person 2 ; yeah , he looks like a Liam

by Personwhoisverysmart November 8, 2010

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