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A person completely unaware of what is going on around them even though it should be completely obvious to them but is obvious to everyone else around them.As it relates to relationships: a guy or girl who who has been dumped by a partner yet refuses to accept that reality even in the face of seeing that person with other love interests and being told directly it over.

Origin: Steve-The-Pirate in the movie Dodgeball was not aware that he was not a pirate nor that it was odd he was going thru life dressed as pirate.
As it relates to relationships: a guy or girl who who has been dumped by a partner yet refuses to accept that reality even in the face of seeing that person with other love interests...or that they are being cheated on ....
Related term :Steve the pirate moment: suddenly realizing how cluesless you were

by Petesw October 30, 2007

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