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A lol contraction. 2 syllable words that can be used with Lol as the first syllable
They have to also sound correct when used separately
Ex: Lol okay becomes Lolkay

Mom: You're a shithead.

Dad: You're still a shithead.
Me: Lolright.

Grandma: Are ya done being a shithead?
Me: Lolmost.

by Phantom914 August 12, 2019


When 2 people are making love so intimately, they feel like they become one.

I'm so in love with my girl. Last night we started soulbonding.

by Phantom914 February 22, 2018

5👍 5👎


Awesome and horrible combined.

Friend: My ex finally left me for her tractor.
Me: *pats back* that's awerrible man...

by Phantom914 November 16, 2017