The is ok overall .
Itâs game for your 7 year old nephew.
Itâs sad that there are a lot of people that using the word NOOB or just being toxic for how they look. Beacause they are actually noobs in the inside.
Get free Robux at
A meme that no one uses anymore to post on social media are make funny vids on YT.
A.K.A underrated memes
12 year old :Me and the boys raiding Area 51.
9 year old: thats a dead meme you idiot
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It's a choreographic movement where the dancer places his face in the fold of the elbow, while pointing the sky in the opposite direction with the two parallel arms.
This movement was popularized by hip-hop music.
In the middle of 2018 the dab became a sign that someone did something that is physically IMPOSSIBLE or it was roast.
sometimes people use the dab to look cool.
Nowadays (2019-2020) it is often used in memes.
the verb: dabing
My friends did the dab.
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Buses for special educated kids.
They usually for handicap student. If your in the US
Some school use these buses cuz they do have enough money for the bigger buses.
In other countries they just use it for other reasons.
I loved short buses a very long time ago.
The type of guy would sream in every video like a three year old.
This guy transform peopleâs vocabulary in to
âR O B U Xâ
âE P I Câ
Flamingo: I like to scam people out of there happiness and time
Flamingo: - creates scam game and advertising-
Noob: joins the game starts raging after 20 seconds
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A vaste world full of scams, Clickbait ,dumb ads, games,pornography and other crap like social media.
It only works if you have WIFI.
For nerds its a global computer that providing a variety of information like math 1+1=2.
Person A: Do you have internet
You :no
Person A: YOU ARE A A** HOLE
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Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution.
This definition was copied and pasted from Wikipedia. Thus this is plagiarism.
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