A thing that you must have to gain respect and explains the phenomenon of why the criteria of men bad boys typically Alpha men are ironically attracted to the bad girls a.k.a "bitches". Unlike good girls which are oftentimes vulnerable women which Jerks objectify and dumps afterwards he through with her; he secretly demands more of a challenge or someone equivalent.
Vulnerable girl: I don't know why Jerry dump me over Keisha. She's a female douchbag.
Boy 1: Unless she knows her self worth and that makes the difference
Vulnerable girl: Guys are so dumb these days to choose women that are narcissist.
Most bad guys are use to dating women with low self-esteem which can result in having low standards, but until a woman with self-confidence they will learn how to love and respect her.
5👍 5👎
One of the reasons why most men with countless temptation nowadays rather prefer the bitches over the shy girls. Since the bitch typically aka. bad girls defies the norm of a good women and do whatever she wants to do at her own discretion, men ironically respect the difference and are allured by it.Not to mention she has an ATTITUDE and sexy stride that will captivate the opposite sex.
A confident woman is SEXXY, but not an egocentric woman. Something initially many younger woman struggle with , until she gets older or experience a jerk. It use to be an attractive thing women were shy until a guy meets a bad girl.
18👍 7👎
We can define this guy in a variety of ways...
1. The man with most COMPETITIVE sexual market value, usually in terms of sexual opportunities.
2. The man at the top of the male dominance hierarchy. This prototype of a man typically displays all of the conventional masculine traits that are considered toxic today. The hallmark of his persona is 'confidence'. The man that conduct himself with such class and possesses a swagger that attracts most women to him like a magnet; also he's usually calm when it comes pressure .
3. The man who FUCKS your wife and doesn't give a flyin fuck...
4.Exemplifies 'emotional excitement' and sexual pleasure to all women; not the one to really have long-term relationship with.
5. The man that JUST GETS IT!! Doesn't have to try that hard to acquire success as success naturally comes to him.
6. Who FEMINISTS say they disdain but 'secretly LOVES'...because he's able to fulfills their fantasies if you know what I mean.
7. A NARCISSIST without really choosing or wanting to be.. a 'Chad' or 'Tyrone'
8. One of the reasons why the MGTOW movements is so big and what most of the aspire to become.
9. An undercover gigolo..
10. What James Bonds, Bob Marley, P.Diddy, Jay Z, Justin Bieber, Brad Pitt all are...
Example 1: The Alpha Male mindset is one that most men wished they'd mastered but can't seem to achieve.
25👍 30👎
A significant thing on every woman's benchmark that automatically APPROVES the 'assholes' in regards to SEX primarily. Essential part of a man's frame in game.
After a 6 month relationship Ben was basically discarded like trash from Hannah due to not have any self-respect . Darryl a mentor taught him how to regain his dignity again. Hannah left him for a douchbag that didn't truly want to do anything to do with her accept to play endless mind games. After a while he dumps her for another girl and repeats the process. By the way this guy was very ugly 'no homo'. I don't know why she kept pursuing him though . I ve noticed one thing he had that Ben didn't ; and that's confidence. You couldn't tell him that he looked like a pig. He was too full of himself and most importantly he can make Hannah respect him.
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A significant thing on every woman's benchmark that automatically APPROVES the 'assholes' in regards to SEX primarily. Essential part of a man's frame in game.
After a 6 month relationship Ben was basically discarded like trash from Hannah due to not have any self-respect . Darryl a mentor taught him how to regain his dignity again. Hannah left him for a douchbag that didn't truly want to do anything to do with her accept to play endless mind games. After a while he dumps for another girl and repeats the process. By the way this guy was very ugly 'no homo'. I don't know why she kept pursuing him though . I ve noticed one thing he had that Ben didn't ; and that's confidence. You couldn't tell him that he looked like a pig. He was too full of himself and most importantly he can make Hannah respect him.
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