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A mospuito coil with an atached filter. drags become pure pesticides instead of pesticides with added ash, dead mosquitos, or broken ovaries

" C'mon man, lets take another hit of C."
" No man im already burnt out to the max"

by Pierre February 17, 2004

12πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


One who ingests their own organic waste. Often accompanied by one or more Soilers.

Legend has it, there was an ancient rivalry between the Soilers and Ingestores. The old Grecian myth tells of a man named Soilicles. Soilicles, Athenian Proto-Soiler, was the first of his kind. It is said that a day came when he was busying himself in the habitual age-old activity, when he was approached by a gentleman by the name of Ingesticles. Ingesticles, staring in disbelief and horror at what was to become of the organic waste, stated that the excretions could easily be re-ingested, instead of being laid to waist. Soiliclese, taking umbrage at the thought, dismissed the idea and drove wedge forever between the two schools of thought.

Ingesticles supposedly then aggregated his own philisophical school to forward his belief. To this day, subscribers to this doctrine are known as "Ingestores." Furthermore, the phrase "organic waste" has it's second word come as a consequence of the contention of Ingesticles.

"The soiler did his part, and the ingestore finished the rest."

by Pierre March 4, 2005

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Part of the Nuerburgring race-track. Also called 'the green hell'.

Niki Lauda had his accident at the Nordschleife.

by Pierre May 2, 2004

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

organic dildo

A dildo consisting of a slug of solid human organic exudite waste. Generally employed in a bout of coitus.

"He bent over, spawned an organic dildo, pulled it out, and shoved it up her ass."

by Pierre December 24, 2005

12πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


the action of gracefully leaning on a friend/wall/stuff

often performed while mongolled

requires special training of the neck muscles

first perfected by Angharad Matthews, and now spreading around bristol and the southwest of england and wales

"for fucks sake, angie's slumping on me again"

"i feel a mondo, tip-top, clubbing jam fair of a slump coming on"

"look at them lot slumped on the bed"

by Pierre May 29, 2004

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The Jaoist tradition tells of Soiletheus and his role in the Jaoist pantheon. Later synonymous with the Anti-J (Anok) in the New Jackist Testament.

According to the ancient legend, Soiletheus stole the first slug of excrement from Xanus (chief Jaoist diety). Xanus found himself irate and chose to punish all men by cursing each of them with an anus so that they would never forget.

Scholars have suggested that the Grecian tale of Prometheus is cognate, or possibly may have even had its origins here.

"He was mad at that moment with the spirit of Soiletheus. For it was apparent that no man's trousers should ever sag so horribly," (Noctes Excrementi).

"The heathen Jaoist priest gripped the wooden idol of Soiletheus. Then, without shame, demonstrated to onlookers how capacious his toga truly was," (Journal of a Crusader)

by Pierre July 10, 2005

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Anybody that is from France

Listen to Jacques Chiraq croak like a bullfrog on the Champs Elysees on the way to the Elysee Palace!

by Pierre January 21, 2005

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