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A highly intelligent bird. There are many amazing breeds, ranging from the colours bright blue to even brighter pink, and in sizes from a turkey to a sparrow. The common Domestic Pigeon, found on the streets, was first brought to Canada/US by European settlers for food. The have the capability of outflying a hawk, and can fly over oceans. Pigeon war heroes, such as Cher Ami and G.I. Joe, have saved countless lives. These birds are actually very cleanly, always grooming, and even cleaning their poop out of nests. They are able to do math. Pigeons have extremely strong family bonds, stick by their young no matter what, and mourn when their mates die. Pigeons show empathy, and comfort widows or widowers.

I found the matriarch of the flock dead! That explains the patriarchs absence! Must be mourning...poor pigeon!

by PigeonsFTW! December 28, 2011

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