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Absolute Player, A smooth talking fake piece of sh*t excuse for a human being, will pretend to be a nice human being but secretly a complete fuckboi (avoid at all costs) with an extremely small penis

Friend 1: who's that guy he seems like a hunk

Friend 2: nah that's my ex Anthony trust me it's all for show

by Piglet71 January 23, 2017

6👍 7👎


A tan blue eyed boy that is sweet and humorous however may at times try to act "cool" to fit in with a crowd. Will care for you like you've never seen before and if he falls for you, he'll fall in deeeeep. Can change under the influence of people but will still be him true self at heart. His laugh will make your day and his hugs are the best. Austins usually have a thing for eyes or smiles and will do anything to try and make you happy.

Friend 1 - Austin is so sweet he is such a good boyfriend!
Friend 2 - Omg you're so lucky! if only I had myself an Austin.

by Piglet71 January 23, 2017

2👍 3👎