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The opposite of "woke".

One who has been so influenced by far-right propaganda that they actually believe the 4chan meta-ironic term "based" is a good thing.

A state of mind defined by a clear lack of intelligence and a willingness to be socially programmed.

Clinging to a base that does not provide support.

Plays on the words: basted, wasted, base dead.

First seen on Twitter accompanying an 8-bit image from the game Zero Wing with the text modified to read "all your based are belong to us"

Ass Hats brain is basded like a Kentucky fried right wing.

That dude is basded!

The baseded believe being enlightened is a bad thing... weird.

I thought she was based but it turns out she was basded.

by Pigmaleon May 3, 2022

11👍 7👎