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beneath a lime

the table is sublime

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

24👍 7👎

Pillow Frosting

Semen laying upon a pillow and or a womans breasts

I rolled over into a huge puddle of pillow frosting!

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

3👍 2👎

tennessee hot pocket

Defocating into a woman's vagina

Shit Earl did you see me tennessee hot pocket that bitch last night?

Oh Chuck (Norris) tennessee hot pocket my pink cookie!

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

19👍 35👎

Louisiana Tea Kettle

Stiking a red hot cattle brand into a woman's vagina until she screems

Doctor what happend??

louisiana tea kettled... god i'm jealous!

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

2👍 13👎

Pink Comet

A projectile of period blood that exits a female's vagina when she queefs during a one week per month period

Margret! You got a pink comet on my almond jar!

by PinkComet69 July 11, 2008

4👍 4👎