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oatmeal brain

When someone's brain deteriorates over time due to alcohol/drugs/sleep deprivation, etc. Symptoms of oatmeal brain: memory loss, impaired motor function, slurred voice, stumbling, slow speech.

John, you can't remember anything. You have oatmeal brain right now!

by PinkPanther13 April 20, 2018


An amazing guy who is tall, with blonde hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes that anyone has ever seen. He always knows your tickle spots. He is a bit shy at first, but outgoing once you get to know him. He's romantic and loves to snuggle on the couch with a girl when he watches a movie. His favorite color is black. He is the best kisser. He sometimes does things for no reason and has a hard time admitting he's done something wrong, but when he comes around, it's worth it. If you find one, KEEP HIM. It will be worth it.

"Who is that amazingly sexy guy over there?"

"Duh! It's Ryan!"

by PinkPanther13 December 23, 2011

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