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He is a ovethinker , a stay on a night all the time type person . He wants to be sooo obsessed with you knowing he can’t have you but still thinks about you and you stay on his mind 24/7 but he knows damn well yall don’t have mutual feelings for each other . He will post about you but never say it straight forwards to your face cus he knows you’ll go off if it don’t make no damn sense . He will keep on posting until u find another nigga or he happens to SURPRISING find sb else he can be obsessed on a day to day basis. But other than that he is a Hispanic wanna be black country ass that always wanna go somewhere and not stay in the damn house for once in his gottdamn life . He is nice , he is sweet , he is a great friend , but he is really messy , really jealous, really conniving , and really shy . OOP SLOW TOO . and if u wanna stubble across a Cortez ……. Don’t

Cortez needs go

by Pinkprettypus July 12, 2024