Source Code

<input class="string optional" placeholder="Word" type="text" name=definition[word]

<textarea class="text optional" aria-invalid="true" placeholder=Type Your Definition Here..." name="definitionmeaning" id="definition_meaning"></textarea> == $0
<small class="error">can't be blank</small>

Person 1: What the hell does "<input class="string optional" placeholder="Word" type="text" name=definitionword" mean?

Person 2: Some dumb fuck pressed submit with a blank entry
Person 3: "<textarea class="text optional" aria-invalid="true" placeholder=Type an example of how it's used in a sentence..." name=definitionexample" id=definition_example">
Person 1: What the hell does "<input class="string optional" placeholder="Word" type="text" name=definitionword" mean?

Person 2: Some dumb fuck pressed submit with a blank entry"

by PixelPlazmaa January 31, 2021

1👍 5👎