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to debase, muddy up, or greatly lower the quality of something.

Her excessive use of slang is a turdification of the English language.

by Plasmaguy September 11, 2016

word bombed

Excessively long, rambling text messages

"Sorry I word bombed you the other day."

by Plasmaguy January 28, 2015

junked up her face

The gross over-modification of the face through either piercings, plastic surgery, tattooing, or some combination that completely changes the appearance.

She used to be such a beautiful model until she junked up her face with fake lips, plastic skin, and enough piercings to make a biker blush.

by Plasmaguy November 22, 2015

devil's dick

A contemptible, crude, horrible person

After all I've done for you, I don't deserve to be treated like the devil's dick!

by Plasmaguy August 22, 2015

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highly attractive, healthy, and robust.

She's the most breedworthy mare I've seen in five generations.

by Plasmaguy November 1, 2015

fuel my rocket

To find sexually stimulating or arousing

Sweetheart, that dress you have on really fuels my rocket! Baby, you really fuel my rocket!

by Plasmaguy October 31, 2016

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tune in my room

To listen to music in one's bedroom.

I just want to relax and tune in my room.

by Plasmaguy September 11, 2016