Noun: Lips with a mind of their own. If every caught on film known to cuase momentary blankness on screen of viewing machine. Same with photograph.
"He's got those nagger lips"
12π 17π
Noun: The sound of breast milk dripping out of an old porn star's nipples from the series "Dirty-Kinky-Mature Women"
Dude, that kinky grandma said she wanted to bloop bloop bloop breast milk on my face
8π 25π
Nothing:See actual dictionary for deffenition of "nothing"
"Theres no such thing as black pride"
86π 198π
Noun: A very old Bosnian man. This man was alive during the age of dinosores. When the big bang happened, his eyes were almost sealed shut. (See "Big Bang" for deffenition.)This squinty eyed legend then continued to stay alive. He witnessed every historic event and was a klagaroo at the first KKK meeting in Tenesee, the most racist of the Northern states. Many years later he then joined a gang and got the name "E Money." He now remains alive with bullet wounds in Norwalk CT. On Friday nights he can be seen snuggling with brown men in his basement.Sometimes even holding hands at the SONO movie theater
The Spawn of Skeeb is the most feared gangster and legen in all of New England
8π 3π
Noun: The holy book of the KKK
"Kliggy brothers, let us read from the kloran tonight"
13π 3π
Greeting verb: A greeting between to klansmen (members of the KKK)
"Kliggy brother! Lets burn some naggers!"
3π 1π
A gang war between to dinosaurs. Tron the T-Rex, and Marquez the Stegasaurus engaged in what was one of the biggest gang wars of all time. Tron wanted his rock shipment and Marquez did not give it. During this battle, The SpawnofSkeeb was injured in this battle.
The Big Bang was the biggest gang war of all time.
47π 73π