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Poop Wiener

A wiener or penis or dong or shlong or dingyhoogle that has fecal matter otherwise known as poop or dookie or cacaz or shit or feces or baby mice on it from acts such as anal sex or messy shitting or pooping out of your mouth and sucking your penis simultaneously. Also running with your birthday suit on and falling face...penis first into a hot streaming corny thronging pile of horse manure. The poopy may get all over the weiner and possibly the urethra or peehole. When poop occurs in the peehole, it is then called "Poopy-Peehole." This may result in a "Poopy-Peehole infection," or "Bumbum Rash."
This usually occurs within the Jew population, since Jews are too stupid and cheap to afford toilet paper, plumbing, and even a toilet. Certain medications can help treat and prevent this from occurring.

"I got poop all over my wiener and now I have a poop wiener", said Dan after getting poop all over his weiner.

"Oh balls, I fell in poop and now its on my wiener....... and my balls." John said.

by PoopWienerMD December 20, 2009

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