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He who hunts with Birds of Prey but is not a Bird of Prey himself.

Just be careful, he spends his time with dope boys and needle junkies. Never know what will happen around those dangerous kind of people.

Don't worry it's Falconer. He may surround himself with those people but they are not the same.

What do you mean?

Unlike the ones who surround him, he will walk away most of the time not out of fear of an OP but fear of what might happen to OP if he engages.

Okay so he's like a reserved scraper?

Most people go from 0 - 100
Some go from 0 - felony/jail
Falconer goes from 0 - life in prison without chance of parole.

That doesn't sound like he's as good as you make him out to be.

How he's different tho is his tolerance and wisdom. It takes him more than most will push to get to that point. The people that know him respect him because they know who he is and what he stands for. The ones that don't, rarely have a reason to find out.

Okay I still say be careful.

I will be.

by Popeasaint.... May 15, 2022