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Dumpster Pump

Noun: A device used by Sodomites to more easily perform sodomy. Usually behind dumpsters or in corn field's. The base pump is 2 Metric Rogan's long and 1 Rogan wide, a little smaller than the average persons thumb.

Trivia: The Dumpster Pump was used during WW2 by it's inventor, Pumper Jones (Alex Jones' Great Great Grandfather) to drain the Nazi's of their Jizz strength. The concept for the Pump was based on Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine, which could vibrate at frequencies resonating with skyscrapers, potentially collapsing them. Instead, Pumper Jones' Dumpster Pump would collapse the ass's of men, and used 17 of Tesla's patents.

"I'll give you a nickel if I can test my Dumpster Pump on you."
"Ok Glenn, Can I set my mug on this dumpster first?"

by Potatogenic June 8, 2019

107👍 8👎


A photogenic potato. Or someone who is as photogenic as a potato.

"My selfies are so bad. I'm the opposite of photogenic. I'm potatogenic."
"We still love you! Now I'm hungry for potatoes."

by Potatogenic August 1, 2024