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One who deep throats so deep that you can see the bulge in their neck

Wow look at Allison she's such a necker

by Ppnecker87 October 16, 2016

4👍 3👎

Nic shits

When you always fiend in the bathroom so when you want a hit you have the sudden urge to take a dump

“I gotta hit the bathroom”
“yeah i’ve got the nic shits.”

by Ppnecker87 February 3, 2020

21👍 5👎

group poop

when you and the homies head to a multi-stall bathroom to shit together and chat

“you coming to group poop your school today?”
“sure but i’ll warn you, i had Diarrhea this morning.”

by Ppnecker87 February 3, 2020


when you get obliterated by a sniper in fortnite.

“dude conner got fuckin brained earlier by a bolty”

by Ppnecker87 September 15, 2018

4👍 29👎