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geeking out

"Geeking out" refers to the unnatural human infatuation or resulting obsession over a person, place or thing (common noun). Usually"geeking out" results in the human joining discussion boards, forums, real life outings, etc., where other geeks with similar interests discuss how great or shitty the noun is. Google is a key tool in geeking out. Research and knowledge is shared among the members in these gatherings thereby strengthening their geekyness. This geeking out behavior provides mental satisfaction and to some level order in the human's chaotic life.

Geek #1:Oh Shit! Did you see the new graphic card?!
Geek #2: OMG yes! I so want to get it!
Geek #1: It has like more gigabytes, gigahertz, and CUDA's that the previous one!
Geek #2: Shit man, I want to buy two, but I can't afford it.
Geek #1: *Sigh* Yeah, me too.

Sane person #1: Look at those geeks!
Sane person #2: They are totally "geeking out" over stupid shit.

by PrætorZ0d January 27, 2016